I don't know of any other server company in which you can get live support 24/7 and have someone. "If you're thinking about switching to NFO, do it. "Most GSP tend to have their servers going to the crapper within months but not NFo, they been on top of everything day by day, and their support is still ranked #1 in my book." - IcEWoLF You all are hands down the best server / people out there." - Tomconno They were like (our) pings are so good and it's so smooth. after having (our) nfo server up for 30mins people started to flock to us. Registry is AWSOME, the forums are AWSOME, the tools available are AWSOME!!" - Flying-Squirrel "My ping ranges from 23-29 and I keep perfect fps as well as 0 choke/loss. "NFO offers an outstanding service that is matched no where else in my opinion." - Minion Order