I prefer to use overload and throw for personal reasons. I either get "throw" and "overload", or "cryo blast" and "warp". Now since Sentinels use both tech and biotics I get one of each. Same thing with Fitness and Offensive Mastery, I make sure I upgrade health and shields and not damage and power damage/duration/radius. Since in Mass Effect 3 Tech Armor doesn't automatically "explode" whenever your shields go down like it did in Mass Effect 2 I always have Tech Armor on, so I never upgrade Tech Armor damage or blast radius. What I usually do for Tech Armor is make sure whatever upgrade I choose it upgrades the durability. I usually use the class as a tank because of Tech Armor. The sentinel could be either a damage dealer class or a tank. I was 10 years old in 2007 when Mass Effect 1 came out and have been playing ever since till now, I'v played every single class in the Mass Effect series and my favorites are soldier, vanguard, and sentinel. Mass Effect 3 This will tell you how to effectively play the sentinel class for Mass Effect 3